A1's List Of Current Loans Offered
Business Loans A1 Offers:
(Always 100% free to apply:)
-SBA Loans, all types
-Merchant Cash Advances to $15 million, unsecured.
-Business Term Loans to 5 years
-Business Lines of Credit
-High Risk Business Loans such as:
-Open Bankruptcy Loans
-Tax Liens
-Late Child Support
- S.O.S. issues
- FICOs 300 and up
-Business RE Hard Money Loans to $500 million
-Business Construction Equipment Hard Money Loans
to $100 million
-Business LOCs to $55,000
-Startup loans for 700+ FICOs
-Equipment Purchase/Lease Loans
-Business Loan Consolidations
-Business Loan Consolidations w/ Cash Out
-Business Building Purchase Loans
-2nd Business Acquisition Loans
-Gov't Contract Advance Loans (City, State, U.S. all OK)
Extraordinarily Difficult Loans FUNDED at A1
(Fee required & phone consultation included.
Contract provided.
Call (909-930-9159 for pre-qualification, and if approved,
fee amount.)
-Venture Capital (Video Prod package required, no other fee.)
See Business Video.
-Expansion Capital (4x monthly deposit avg)
3% of ask upfront.
-Auto/RV/Motorcycle purchase for credit challenged
3% of ask upfront.
-Non U.S. persons desiring U.S. Property purchase
3% of ask upfront.
-DSCR loans to purchase investment property without using any personal income to qualify. 3% of ask upfront.
-Misc Reason Loans. We use our PROPRIETARY A.I. Loan system to scour the U.S. in minutes to find a lender for any
situation, no matter how bizarre. 3% of ask upfront.
Bank Decline Triggers Funded at A1
Any of these below will get you immediately declined by
a bank, and most alternative lenders.
A1 funds tough files like these every day:
-Low Volume Low Doc Funding($4,000/Month in some states)
-Slow Month or 2? Seasonal Lending is a specialty
-Need a LARGE Amount? High Volume Funding to $15,000,000 unsecured, $500 million secured by RE, $100M secured by large
-Just 2 1/2 months in business is OK with 3 statements (must include at least 1 Business Checking, most current month)
-ALL "Hard-to-Fund" and High Risk industries funded including
Trucking-Cannabis-Auto Sales-Law Firms-Construction)
-9 NSFs to $60,000 OK!
-27 NSFs in 90 days OK!
-7 Neg days/month OK!
-Only 3 deposit transactions OK if $15k+
-Under 400 FICOs OK- No Credit Check funding available
(we funded a "384" $22K previously)
-Over leveraged...We fund to 9 positions in some cases
-Weekly and Monthly Payments are available to
qualified applicants
-Up To 5 year terms available for qualified applicants
-Non-financial criminal backgrounds are funded in most cases.
-High Default States are OK!
-Semi Restricted States are OK!
-We correct "lender apparent" frauds that aren't---
and get them funded.
-MCA Debt Consolidations To 20 Positions are available for some
-We fund up to 4x monthly deposit averages in certain cases
-Credit card splits are available
-High charge back CC splits OK usually
-All BKs are OK 1 day after discharge, or with 3 Settlement payments made
-Multiple “Start Up” Funding Options
-IRS and State Tax Liens funded with currently paid "Payment Plan" documentation
-Even "Black Listed" and “Past Defaulters” are possibly funded
if paid off with proper documentation...
Business owners with the "above" issues
Click here for details on obtaining funding for "extraordinary loans" beyond what's listed above.
Please feel free to call if you have an issue not shown.
We're always happy to help and listen.